
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pink Elephant Challenge 1

The Challenge for this week on Pink Elephant is a color challenge using only pink, black, and white. Here is my creation:

How adorable is this? I really like layering flowers of different colors/sizes/textures. I'm also trying to get used to mix & matching letter stickers to use up the gazillion that I have!

Supplies used: Cardstock-the Glitter Stack/DCWV, Flowers- Queen & Co, other- letter stickers, ribbon, eyelet


  1. Great card!!! Thanks for joining us at TPE this week. We hope to see you back again next week!

  2. I think it's really effective - both the layout and colours are stunning.
    Thanks for joining our first challenge at the Pink Elephant and hope you'll have time to join in next week.

    Ann xxx


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