
Saturday, October 1, 2016

Crafty Saturday: Thanks!

I haven't had a whole ton of time to do crafty things, but I have had a lot of gifts and meals dropped off lately so I'm going through thank you notes like you wouldn't believe.

A very good problem to have, obviously.

My last Paper Pumpkin and my most recent one were kits to make favors. I'm finding that while the stamp sets are cute that come with them, I'm not super jazzed about the actual project because what am I going to use these favors for? Nothing. So I'm more excited when the project is for cards because those are something I'm actually going to use.

So I finally got around to doing another Paper Pumpkin box and this was the September box, I believe. But it's a teal/orange color combination I don't normally do, it feels very southwestern to me and that's not really my thing. And it had a lot of fussy elements (like tying string to very small buttons) but I managed to make six cards and three gift tags (which truthfully, I'm probably not going to use). All of them have been mailed out to folks, so I need to get busy and make some more!

1 comment:

Hi Lambs! Thanks for commenting- I read them all, no matter what. If you want a reply- please leave your email addy on here so I can do that. Email me at if you want to be best friends.