
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Book Review: Don't You Forget About Me

I have some photos and even funnier stories to share with you but I need to get myself in order before I can do that, so be patient. I'm really having a hard time getting myself into a comfortable routine with the kids in school, dance, book stuff, house stuff, me stuff, and so I feel like I'm on a bicycle with a wobbly wheel when you know the damn thing is going to fall off eventually.

That's basically my life.

Don't You Forget About Me - Mhairi McFarlane

If there’s one thing worse than being fired from the grottiest restaurant in town, it’s coming home early to find your boyfriend in bed with someone else.

Reeling from the indignity of a double dumping on the same day, Georgina snatches at the next job that she’s offered – barmaid in a newly opened pub, which just so happens to run by the boy she fell in love with at school: Lucas McCarthy. And whereas Georgina (voted Most Likely to Succeed in her school yearbook) has done nothing but dead-end jobs in the last twelve years, Lucas has not only grown into a broodingly handsome man, but also has turned into an actual grown-up with a business and a dog along the way.

Meeting Lucas again not only throws Georgina’s rackety present into sharp relief, but also brings a dark secret from her past bubbling to the surface. Only she knows the truth about what happened on the last day of school, and why she’s allowed it to chase her all these years…
I know I've read two other books by Mhairi McFarlane (It's Not Me, It's You and Who's That Girl?) and I enjoyed them but they weren't ones I was going to re-read, you know? Now we have Don't You Forget About Me and this one was pretty dang cute and this one is one I will likely snuggle in with again because I really enjoyed reading this start to finish. 

We all have a first love and that's what this book jumps on with Georgina and Lucas. I'll be honest and tell you the reason I picked this one was because I really am drawn to stories where a character has a bad day that just gets exponentially worse because if you know me in real life you know that I always say, "No wait, it gets worse!" and anything on that premise sells it for me. Georgina is having a really bad run of luck but it gets to a point of humiliation when she has to take the first job she can which means her first love?

Would be her boss.

That's bad enough but he has absolutely no memory of her.

Now... think back to your first love. I know mine and I have to say, if he didn't remember me after all that... not a confidence boost, friends.

The best part about this book is you can completely relate to Georgina and you can really empathize with her feelings and her situation in general. You want to be pissy with Lucas but honestly? You can't because they are adorable and I wanted them to be together. (No, I'm not going to tell you if they are or not, just trust me- it's worth it.) So not only do we have a romance and some comedy in here, there is some drama thrown in so this is a little bit of everything for everyone. You are going to really enjoy this one.

You can head over to HarperCollins website to find this one (HERE) but also Mhairi's other books, which are just as fun! Happy reading lambs!

A big thanks to TLC Book Tours and William Morrow for sending me an ARC of this one! This post does contain affiliate links, so be a dear and order from those so I can keep this little 'ol blog rolling. 


  1. Plus. now the song's stuck in my head!

  2. (I'm, my blogger is for my students)


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