
Sunday, September 11, 2022

Book Review: A Lot Like Forever

Happy weekend! Do you have any plans this weekend? We are mostly sticking around the house, trying to save money, but also trying to get organized before winter. Like squirrels. 

I'm getting my squirrel on, if you will. 

I also am getting through books like its nobody's business (which is good because I'm like 19 books behind in my Goodreads Challenge, so I'm not sure what my plan for that is), so let's talk about this one first.  

A Lot Like Forever - Jennifer Snow

Whitney Carlisle has everything under control—or at least that’s what she needs everyone in Blue Moon Bay to think. She has always faced the hard times in her life head-on and come out stronger for it. But this time, she isn’t so sure. Whitney knows she needs help, but how can she put that burden on Trent, her fiancĂ©? How can she crush his dreams by telling him the plans they made for a future together have to change?

All Trent Connolly wants is to get married, have kids, and spend the rest of his life loving Whitney. Their relationship has had its share of ups and downs—like any other couple—and they’ve always managed to get through it unscathed. So when Whitney is clearly struggling with something, Trent is ready to help. His fiancĂ©e’s strong will is part of what draws him to her—but this time, it feels like it’s pushing him away.

Whatever Whitney is hiding from everyone has to be big. Possibly life-changing. She must believe that revealing her secret would do Trent more harm than good, even if it crushes her under the weight of it. The only thing he can do now is be there for her in whatever way she needs…until a secret of his own comes to light that threatens to steal their chance at forever.
First things first, this is my first book from Jennifer Snow, and how is that even possible?? I feel like I keep saying that lately. Even though this is book three in the Blue Moon Bay series, these are all stand alones, so you will be totally fine to start here (I did!). 

Easily my biggest pet peeve in a romance is summing a book up with it being a lack of communication, but that is completely what this one is. Unlike most stories, we already have our couple established, this story focuses around a secret that Whitney is keeping from her fiance, Trent. I liked the characters (seperately and together) but the entire conflict in the story is the lack of communication, and that kind of drove me nuts. Also spending a huge chunk of the book recapping or reminiscing about Whitney and Trent's relationship, and I wasn't really sure what the point of that was? I mean, the history of them was helpful but I don't think it needed to be that much of the book. I did like the friendships and how they supported Whitney when things were tough for her. I am also a fan of small town romances in general, so the feel of the book was comforting and nice to curl up on the couch with. I do think the first two books in this series would be a better fit for me, but the writing style of this one makes me want to read more by this author. 

Overall... I didn't love, love it, but I definitely didn't dislike it, so it's solidly in the middle for me. I do want to go back and read the first two because I think I might like those more. I am totally in the mood for more fall centered books, I'm getting into the groove of fall, even though I'm not about that life. 

Thank you to TLC Book Tours and Entangled Publishing for having me on this tour! 

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