If I'm being honest, and you know I always am, this pregnancy isn't nearly as fun for me. I've been dealing with some serious depression, it's been winter and just shitty. I'm exhausted. I can say this is the only pregnancy where I had legitimate morning sickness up until week 14 (also the first pregnancy I've even had morning sickness save for a day or two), and as of late, I've been so very sick with the flu, a cold, a sinus infection, and bronchitis. Some of those at the same time.
I am only just now getting to the part where I'm kind of enjoying it. I know I have to hurry up and enjoy it because I'm 21 weeks as of this morning and that means I'm half way done. It's going to go by so fast and I know absolutely, FOR SURE, this is my last one so I don't want to ever feel like I took this for granted.
So let's talk pregnancy for baby four.
18 weeks
I didn't actually start looking pregnant until 18 weeks, which is reminiscent of when I had Olivia. And Jackson. I felt like I showed earlier with Penelope, but who knows. I still get the stares where people wonder if I'm pregnant or fat. The worst part about being pregnant with a baby is that people say some of the rudest stuff to you at all. Especially because right now, I haven't been wearing my wedding ring because it itches badly. (Weird fact: When I'm pregnant basically all jewelry, real or fake, irritates my skin so I don't usually wear much. If I do, it's for shorter periods of time.)
Anyways. A few times now I've gotten stares if it's just Penelope and I, but it's even worse when I have my two older ones with me. I've had women (and men) ask why I keep getting pregnant without a husband to which I say I have a husband, but I don't feel like I have to have a ring to prove it. The best though is when people see Penelope, look at my stomach like they want to ask if I'm expecting or if I'm just still fat, so I usually just say, "Yeah, I'm pregnant. I'm due in August." and then people laugh and say, "HAHA!! Don't you know you can prevent that?!"
Yes, I do. In fact, FUNNY STORY- I tried. I tried to prevent it and yet, here we are. I'm part of that what, .01% freak chance that could happen.
Usually people don't know what to say then and walk away awkwardly.
20 weeks
At 20 weeks I found out that baby four is going to be a GIRL. I wish I could have recorded all of our reactions. Actually, Matt didn't really care either way, he's not very into caring about stuff like that. Olivia teared up, sunk in her seat. Jackson full out cried until Matt told him to stop it, which only made me feel worse for the little guy. Penelope sneezed and blew boogers ALL OVER the door so Matt had to clean that up, and I teared up.
Yes, I am that asshole mom who was disappointed. I had really hoped for a little boy.
Now, before you get all up in my case with, "Jesus Sara, maybe you should just be grateful it's healthy. There are lots of women who would do anything for any kind of baby." Yes, I get it. I do. I'm not unsympathetic to the plight of women who are unable to conceive. I'm not an asshole. But I'm telling you what- being in the worst depression I have ever been in, having dealt with an incredibly sick baby for the last ten days (more on that tomorrow), and feeling sick and awful myself, I had really held hope that maybe JUST ONE THING could go my way. Just one thing. I'm not asking a lot, I'm really not. I wanted Jackson to have a brother, I wanted to be even, and I wanted Penelope to have a little brother like Olivia did because that was and still is, a very special friendship/sibling relationship.
But instead, baby four is a girl.
She's a little small for her gestational age but that's probably because I've now lost quite a bit of weight and am five pounds lighter than when I started this pregnancy. (I had kind of gone up, down, up, and now way down) but that's because I have zero appetite being sick. I'm obviously still eating but very small bits at a time and just enough to satisfy hunger pangs.
Other than that, it's been kind of uneventful? I'm working on names. I'm trying to work out the logistics of having four kids in my head and it's not easy. I keep thinking if this had been happening in another year it wouldn't feel so daunting but alas, here we are.
Love you.
Love you.
I can't believe how rude people are. Well, actually I can because I get comments all the time when I have my three boys with me. I never wear my ring, so people can suck it. I also totally get disappointment in gender. I've always wanted a girl, but that's not going to happen. It's hard. Anyways, I hope your pregnancy keeps getting better, and you all stay healthy.
I can't believe how rude people are. Well, actually I can because I get comments all the time when I have my three boys with me. I never wear my ring, so people can suck it. I also totally get disappointment in gender. I've always wanted a girl, but that's not going to happen. It's hard. Anyways, I hope your pregnancy keeps getting better, and you all stay healthy.
My oldest sister got pregnant twice on birth control.
I haven't worn my wedding ring since I got pregnant with Havoc in 2002. Not sure what about pregnancy made my knuckles expand & not then contract but I can't really get it over my finger anymore & my job makes rings a challenge to wear anyway.
I always made sure to give really honest and or rude answers to people asking rude questions when I was pregnant. They are the ones being assholes so they should be made to feel as uncomfortable as possible by my replies,IMO. Maybe I can teach them a lesson that will spare the next pregnant woman they encounter.
I hope the second half of this pregnancy goes smoother than the first for you
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