Monday, February 21, 2011

Moo with me now.

Before I get on with my Monday Weightloss Checkin.. here's a few things before I forget:

1. YES! I did get a new blog design made just for me by my Canadian lover, Nikolett. She's cute as a damn button, she loves Muse, we both can't stand Kate Hudson and thinks she's ruining Matt Bellamy's life, and she thinks I'm slightly crazy but in a fun and lovable way. So everybody please thank her for listening to my crazy requests and taking the things I say (that sound like non sense) and turning into something awesome.

2. Yesterday I mentioned I got my birthday invitations done and I did. Go me. They go in the mail tomorrow. They didn't come out quite how I pictured in my head, but this was the best I could do with what I had since I can't really afford to buy new supplies for MY party. But... my 29th bday party is March 12, even though my bday is March 10. WOO!
 3. I got a set of cards done for my Etsy shop and they should be live.. sometime tonight. But I am kind of in love with the sparkly ribbon.
So this week as you'll see from my vlog, I didn't get a lot of fuckmill done. I only did it twice and that sucks. I know it. BUT to my credit, I did still do my stair stepper, my Shake weight thingie (which I don't think works), my arm weights, and my crunches. SO.. I feel like I made some progress.

I've given up milk because fuck that shit. I'm going to start on vitamins because visualizing me breastfeeding off of a cow is not worth the calcium. I may change my tune when I break a hip when I'm 40 but until then- vitamins it is.

This week's weight is...
OK. So clearly not as good as last week. Last week I lost almost five pounds and at the time I knew it was because I had hardly eaten due to The Plague, but still. I'll take even fake accomplishments that are only fleeting. I'm going to be ok with this weight because even though I didn't earn an actual loss by exercise, at least I didn't gain.

ESPECIALLY considering I ate like a fat fucking cow coming back from famine. Seriously. Our date day/night on Saturday was really shameful and I won't even tell you how hard my ass hit the ground after falling off the wagon. I mean, my ass made a dent, folks.

But this week my water intake has GOT to go up. Seriously. I realized I'm only drinking MAYBE one small bottle of water a day. Which, not good for all kinds of reasons. So I'm going to force myself to have water instead of my daily Coke from McDonald's. *sigh* It's going to be sad but I can do it.

Keep trucking along lambwhores. Tell me what kind of exercises you are doing, how long you are exercising, and what is preventing you from exercising every day or every other day?


Anonymous said...

LOL... I love your "but!" in the video. and I'm gonna answer your questions on my blog. check me out over there.


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

The invites look great and I LOVE the sparkly ribbon on that card!!

Unknown said...

Sex burns calories like a mo-fo. Climb on top, tell him to relax, and you do all the work. Works for my girl, and it can work for you too.

Side note, woooot for Muse. I'm a huge fan as well. 'Unintended' helped me win my girlfriend over, so I am forever grateful to Mr Bellamy and his talents.

Ann said...

I eat like crap, I don't work out AT ALL, but at least I drink 8 glasses of water a day! Woot!

Seriously, I just ordered some new fitness DVDs from Amazon today. I'm starting up again in March. The thought of wearing shorts in just a couple of months is scaring the crap out of me.

Veronica M. D. said...

Lovin' the new layout! Did you see me pimp your shop on Saturday?

Oilfield Trash said...

I Agree with Lost In Idaho, climb on top and tell him to shut up. You will burn tons of calories that way.

Oilfield Trash said...

I forgot to add that I was eating a huge arse greasy burger while I watched the video. Needless to say I am not on the fuckmill. Ever.

Unknown said...

I walked a TON this week, but our schedule was bad enough that we ended up eating out 4 times in one week! It made me fatter!!
I am going to have to drink more water as well, more water and less soda and fattening coffee drinks that I make.

Just Plain Tired said...

The new blog layout looks great!

Organic Meatbag said...

Mooooooo! Now, I am just waiting to get milked...

NightIce said...

Like the new layout and I just wanted to add that the weight loss pills and things like them freak me out too. I was waiting in the walmart pharmacy area and read one of those slimquick bottles, mind you it was only a cleanser to get u started not the real deal, and it said if u take one and u dont drink like 8 or more glasses of water choking will occur! I dont think you will be concerned about your weight if you are dead. SOoooo not worth it. Well thats it lol im done.

Anonymous said...

The new layout is awesome! Love it!

Dana said...

Beautiful invitations and cards!

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

I hit up the treadmill twice last week for 40 minutes a time & the stair climber once for 30.

Christina said...

I am doing/teaching Turbo Kick three times a week!

I would like to join in the challenge but I can't bring myself to post a pic of my weight... esp when I have a crazy stalker bitch stalking my blog (my ex-bff's wife).