Saturday, June 25, 2016

Crafty Saturday: scrapbook queen!

It's been kind of nice having a chunk of time every day during Penelope's nap to work on some crafty things. I might even have a few things for the Etsy shop soon, too!

I have been doing some re-organizing in my office/library/craft room and sorted through pictures of the last few years. You'll be happy to know I think I might be totally caught up from 2010 and previous. HA! I'm trying to see the bright side to being six years behind..

I should have waited to do this page because two days later I got my order from Crafty Steals with Fourth of July stuff, but that just means I can do the last couple of years with stuff, right?
I totally forgot about the time we took the kids to Copper Falls!! It was fun finding these photos on the bottom of the drawer.
As it turns out, I don't take many Easter photos, but I have a lot of Easter supplies. Figure that one out, because I certainly can't.
Finally. I went skydiving in 2010 and I've been hanging onto to my certificate that fits in no drawer and I didn't want to get rid of, and I finally printed some photos for a page. I ended up cutting the certificate border off and just keeping the pertinent information so it was a one page spread.
In past years, we've done SO much over the course of summer that the entire season has it's own small book, but for the sake of time and wanting to get photos done, I ended up just picking my favorites from 2010 summer and doing the page.
Also? The downside of scrapbooking things from years past is I spend a whole bunch of time staring at the photos in awe at how small my kids were. Remembering how hard I thought everything was at the time and now thinking those were the easy years! They've both changed SO much in just a few short years, it's kind of remarkable.

OK- so that's what I got done this week! I have some SUPER cute projects I'm going to show you in the next couple of weeks. Next week is going to be a Paper Pumpkin kit someone gifted me that's Fourth of July related, then I'll show you new stuff I've ordered and I need to start working on birth announcements for Fetus Four. Yikes!


middlechild said...

It's nice that you continue to scrapbook. Seems many people have given up and it is such a good way to catelog memories.

middlechild said...

It's nice that you continue to scrapbook. Seems many people have given up and it is such a good way to catelog memories.

Steff said...

Holy cow, Penelope looks exactly like little Jackson!!!