It's another month and another book box subscription review!
Full disclosure, I am not a fan of steampunk books and stuff in general and the only reason I didn't skip this month was because one of the teasers said if I liked The Infernal Devices (which I did) then I would really be super excited for this box. Sadly, that didn't actually ring true because this box was pretty much a dud for me.
Everything I got in the box. I'll give them points for having everything kind of match/coordinate together really well, so there's that.
It's a little hard to tell but this was a metal ring made by Elope. They sent out five different pieces, my sister in law said she got a pin but it's incredibly huge and really, nothing that you'd actually wear. This ring is ridiculously huge so I gave this to her.
The one piece I did really love was the skeleton key pendant necklace by Crystal Compass Designs. I have another piece of jewelry from them and I adore it, so this one will get a lot of use.
Inside our box was also steampunk themed nail wraps by Espionage Cosmetics. Honestly? I've used these nail wraps before and they are not even close to quality as Jamberry Nails, plus this design isn't anything I'd wear ever, so these got tossed. We also got some gold temporary tattoos which ugh... we're god damn adults, folks. Adults. I'm not rubbing a fake tattoo on me like I'm 16 and trying to be cool. Into the trash they went.
Oh yes, the one piece that was supposed to be inspired by The Infernal Devices. Now, Sparks Emporium has GORGEOUS jewelry. The teaser photo was one of their rings that looked like gemstones/crushed up gemstones and was stunning. Honestly? I was hoping for one of those but we got this one, that has a butterfly like angel in it. I don't know. It's not something I would buy if I saw it anywhere and I was pretty disappointed in it, especially because I know what stunning work Sparks Emporium offers in their shop online.
We also got an art print from Creative Daffodil Studios and I'm going to say it- I'm over art prints. The first couple were fun and unique and now I'm like, what the hell am I going to do with all of these?? I don't live in a dorm room so it's not like I'm going to tape them to my wall like a teenager. I think I threw it out, actually.
The book we got was Everland by Wendy Spinale. It's supposed to be a re-telling of Peter Pan of sorts (hence the Peter Pan themed art print) and it's not one I would normally purchase because I read Alias Hook by Lisa Jensen which is and forever will be my absolute FAVORITE re-telling of Peter Pan and I don't care what anyone says, Peter Pan is a nut job and I can't stand him. Cannot, folks. I will say we also got a letter from the author talking about the book and I will say, that's one of my favorite things about Owlcrate, the personal note with (most, not all) of the books. I usually keep them in the front cover of the book just for fun.
The theme for the June Owlcrate box is...
The teasers have said that if you liked The Red Queen then you will likely love this box. I haven't gotten to that book yet so I don't know. This could go south real quick or it could be absolutely amazing. If it doesn't have shiny things in it, I will consider it a total failure because the first thing you think of when you think royalty is fancy balls, jewelry, and crowns. Don't let me down, Owlcrate.
1 comment:
Lolol! I actually chuckled out loud about your hatred for Peter Pan.
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