Monday, February 5, 2018

Perfectly Imperfect

I have to start this week with a book review because I am so mentally fried from last week still, it's hard to get my brain beyond anything easy... like a review. BUT! This was a good one so it makes it fun, too.

Perfectly Imperfect - Harper Sloan
Mirror, mirror … who’s the fairest of them all?

I still cringe when I hear that line. A fairy tale that had girls pretending they were the fairest, the most beautiful, and the most entitled. A fairy tale most couldn’t grow out of turned my haunted childhood memories into a living nightmare. Girls who grew up believing that pile of garbage became the meanest of all ‘mean girls.’

And those mean girls were right – it was a line meant for all the beautiful people in the world – and I knew the answer would never be me.

The women with long legs, flat stomachs, and perfect chests.

The type of women Kane Masters gravitated toward.

Well, that’s definitely not Willow Tate.

No. That will never be me.

Because I’m completely imperfect.

And … I hate myself.

I have no idea what Kane could possibly see in someone like me when he could have them.

I'm not ashamed to say I'm forming a small collection of Harper Sloan books on my shelf, she's a great author and I'm really enjoying her work. This one came in one of my Bookworm Box subscription boxes a really long time ago, and it's signed! It's pretty and I don't know why I'm just now getting to it but I'm working through backlist books for a challenge so now is as good a time as any to read these gorgeous books I've let accumulate.

If you have body image issues, you are going to really enjoy this book. We have Willow, who starts off our book with a humiliating experience, in front of a celebrity no less, Kane Masters. She's not happy with herself at all, is getting divorced, her stepfather hates her, her half sister hates her even more and is sleeping with the husband she's divorcing, and basically her life is spiraling out of control. As she's trying to reign it in, she develops unhealthy habits to fit this mold she believes she needs to be in, instead of learning to love what she has already. Some girls are just meant to be curvy. Where she sees her faults, Kane Masters sees her uniqueness. He happens to want her and all of her curves just the way they are. After a rather eventful departure from her job she finds herself offered a job by Kane and she reluctantly takes it. When Kane makes it bluntly obvious he's interested in more than her employment skills, Willow needs to decide if this is the adventure she needs to turn her life around.

I actually found Willow endearing even though she was a BIT much sometimes in the negative self talk. I loved Kane as well, but some of their dialogue is a bit far fetched, nobody speaks like that in real life, so parts of the book got a little eye roll worthy. BUT! I found myself laughing more than rolling my eyes, a good thing when a book comes in at just under 400 pages. One passage I choked on my ice cream was on page 182:

"After the shocking revelation that drunk Willow is like a hooker in heat, I've been avoiding Kane at all costs."

A hooker in heat, you guys! HAHAHAHAHA. A lot of the things Willow as narrator would say are things I totally say which maybe increased her coolness from me because obviously, I'm pretty cool. Overall I'm giving this one 4 stars because I did enjoy it and I found myself searching for another book by Harper Sloan. I have two more in her Corps Security series but that's it! I need more!!

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