Oh lambies... did you know today is my Birthday Eve Eve? It's true! My birthday is on Wednesday, I am turning 39 (and you better believe I had to pull out the ol' calculator to do the math), and I feel weird about it. It kind of feels like a nothing birthday, really. Someone asked if I was going to do a 40 before 40 list and I don't know, it feels kind of like a lot of pressure to do 40 fun and cool things in a YEAR.
A year in a time of a pandemic, no less.
I'm not trying to catch your cooties, y'all. I love you, but not your cooties. Not sorry.
Every year though, I try to make a Birthday Wish List because a girl can dream, right? I will say that this year Matt seems determined as ever to get me something good and he already bought something and it pretty excited about it, so I don't know.
Let me put my public announcement (ahem... Matt....) I would like a Cheesecake Named Desire cake from Coldstone Creamery and I'm pretty sure you need to order it because of 'rona, so you need to call today. Love you.
I really like plants and I've decided that I need to have some plants in the house. With three cats though, the plants have to not be sitting on surfaces, they need to hang from the ceiling.
I think we all know that women of a certain age start getting... unwanted hair... in unsavory places. Hair on my chin. It's happening and I've got a small bit of pride and I'm not going to a place to wax. Also, I hate paying to get my eyebrows waxed, and even though I might accidentally lose an eyebrow in this process, it's worth a shot, am I right?
I am obsessed with cleaning my keyboard. I don't know why, I just am. I discovered these exist and I feel like it is in the need column.
4. Cricut Mats
Let's just say I learned that there is different mats with different stickiness for a reason. Yikes.
5. Joggers
Because I'm lazy.
Also because I'm lazy. These shoes are the comfiest ever and I basically live in my black ones.
I have little scraps of things all over. I need a cute little bucket.
8. I'm always down for gift cards! Favorite places are Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Old Navy, and Maurices, I guess? It's where I spend the most money on me, so I guess that works.
9. Fresh Air is for Dead People
Facts are facts. One of my favorite podcasts, Morbid, and I want all of the things. Large
10. You're in a Cult
Joggers are literally the best and I am officially obsessed.
I used to love my birthday, but the last couple I've found myself feeling sad. Is that just getting older?
Happy Early Birthday!! I am in the midst of getting your birthday gift, so yeah, it'll be late. But it's coming and that's the main thing. LOL
Joggers are the best. And those shoes look so super comfy.
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