This book was a really quick read and kind of fun. Was it fabulous? No. Was it super predictable but mildly entertaining? Yes. Actually- the description on the back of the book is misleading which is kind of weird because it's not what really happened, but that's ok. Luckily- I didn't read the back of the book until I had alerady started the book so that worked out.
For a chick-lit book I really expected more sex. Is that raunchy of me? I don't know- my chick-lit books have to have a little somethin somethin to keep me going. Fortunately, there was NOTHING on tv so that was what kept me going with this book.
The premise is that two people, who are so different and really not compatible at all are getting married. And because they are gluttons for punishment or idiots, they invite their ex's to the wedding. And then all hell breaks lose because it bounces back and forth between the present day and their respective pasts which only makes you realize how badly they should just call the wedding off, yet there they are, the night before having a party. And lots of their friends/family express reservations yet they think they will continue on. But then there's a twist and all kinds of nice things happen that tie the story off nicely. I thought it was super predictable which is always a downer for me, but it is a good book to just read when you get bored.
So if I haven't turned you off completely from the book, the first person to comment on this post to say they would like to read it, I will send it to you! For FREE! :) Yay!! Only losers don't like free stuff.
I'm not sure If I would. But my wife loves to read. Hows that?
Its some of his family who dont even speak to us who come on here and read everything and then make smart ass comments about it
Remarkable phrase and it is duly
Haha, i was looking for some mediocre chick-lit for my vacay in Hawaii! I haven't read in sooo long (minus tedious college textbooks/articles) that I told myself I NEEDED to get back on track, easing into real books, starting from chick-lit. It was a fail tho, ended up just reading magazines. I may check this out tho hehe
I read this a few years back and I have to agree - I expected more sex too!
Hey I got the books today! Thanks for the bonus!
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