Me and my friends, all mothers in need of a night away from home, decided we'd do a concert. And because we all work and the concert was almost 3 hours away we had to really make a day/evening/early morning of the next day of it. :) We left Superior aroudn 2:30 and after MANY stops because everyone else has bladders the side of plum we got to Minneapolis around 5:30. We ate dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe and one word for that= disappointing. Tammy and I ordered this chicken with a spicy version of macaroni & cheese. Mine was shitty as hell, too spicy, and even though my chicken tasted terrific, about an hour into the concert I knew something wasn't quite right. And by this I mean I started feeling dizzy, weak, having cold sweats and the urge to vomit was pretty bad. Thankfully, everyone in the row below us was drunk so had I puked, I doubt they would have known. :)
The opening band was White Lies, who hailing from London, England must be new. That, or I don't get out much which let's be honest- could be a toss up. They were OK. Not great, not bad. I think they are new to the American music scene which I think is intimidating for any new band. They didn't connect with the crowd and I'm sure it's because hardly anyone was in there. But I would definitely check out their record because what I did hear was pretty good.
Kings of Leon. *Swoon*. OK, so these guys aren't what you'd call the pretty boy group. They are not super hot, but they are like the attainable boy next door working a shitty job hot. I dig that. But it must be said that they put on a GREAT show and I would no doubt see them anytime I can. They rocked out with their cocks out, despite being sick (Caleb told the audience they’ve all got a touch of something and you could hear him sniffle between songs), and you could tell that they not only love playing love, but they love their music and the fans who so appreciate it.
They rocked one song after the other, transitions were great, good crowd interaction, and they did one encore with 4 songs. The other amazing thing that I absolutely love is when you go to a concert and everyone, especially those around you, know every word to every song. Those are true fans and should be the only ones allowed in a concert. :) And let me tell you- when "Sex On Fire" and "Use Somebody" came on- every person in the Target Center sang along, danced and genuinely was relishing in the moment. Amazing concert, amazing band.
I totally loved the blue. I am 99% sure this was during "OnCall"
I totally thought the black/white images of them playing was a cool contrast.
You can't see the stage good here, but they had these horizontal screens with images throughout the show. Very cool.
Caleb. :)
We had GREAT seats...AND I got to watch drunk chicks get hauled off. :)

The opening band, White Lies.

Who are those hot chicks? It's Tammy and Sara! We had a drunk guy (??) below us who thought we were the "hottest bitches here" and thank you- person we aren't sure if you are a guy or chick. The boobs threw us off.

My beloved VANS. Best concert shoes ever. Slip resistant to beer, good bottoms to ensure you won't fall when climbing over chairs...makes me yearn for my blue/black VANS from my outdoor festival days..

So we left the Target Center a little after midnight. Things I learned on the drive home:
Who are those hot chicks? It's Tammy and Sara! We had a drunk guy (??) below us who thought we were the "hottest bitches here" and thank you- person we aren't sure if you are a guy or chick. The boobs threw us off.
My beloved VANS. Best concert shoes ever. Slip resistant to beer, good bottoms to ensure you won't fall when climbing over chairs...makes me yearn for my blue/black VANS from my outdoor festival days..
So we left the Target Center a little after midnight. Things I learned on the drive home:
1. I'm not a rock star anymore. Driving home at night is HARD.
2. If I didn't have my best girls with me, I would have been bored as hell.
3. Tobies in Hinckley still has awesome fucking baked goods.
4. I have the best friends ever.
I really think we need to plan another concert extravaganza. We could be the concert club. :) It was a great night out, and despite getting home at 2:30 a.m. (seriously girls...we are a bit old for this, eh??) it was so fun. Would do it again in a heartbeat. If KOL comes anywhere near here again...I am so there. :)
Kings of Leon put on a great show! I saw them at Bonnaroo in 2007. They were brilliant! They were one of the many reasons I packed my shit and stayed in a tent for 4 days in the blazing heat! :-)
This was a great review! I just recently got put on to Kings of Leon and I LOVE their album!! I'd love to see them live myself.
UHMMM....HI I was NOT drunk!!! You have never seen me drunk and I don't get that way often, so you need to correct that in your blog, nasty girl!!!!
They are brilliant!
Awesome review! I'm hoping to get last minute tickets to see them this weekend in Austin, and you just made me up the amount of money I'm willing to spend on them. I love your site btw!
Looks like you had lots of fun!
I'm only slowly getting into Kings of Leon but my hubby is a HUGE fan!
You see, this is why I envy you guys in the States - you always get to see great bands perform. Here in the Philippines, the only artists that come here are the mainstream, popular ones. I want me my The Kooks or Franz Ferdinand, but that would be impossible that they play here because there might be 2 or 3 people who know them here (myself included). Great post, anyway! I love Kings of Leon..they are awesome! :)
Looks like we got so many things in common. Other than the music, damn, I am hooked on True Blood too. Like a crackerjack addicted to crack. I love it! Which team are you, Bill or Eric? Team Bill all the way! :)
I'm jealous, sounds like a great time! Their show here was sold out and I was so disappointed. At least I get to live vicariously :)
I am soo jealous!! :) wish I could be there!... btw.. have something for you on my blog!!
Quite interesting reading from the point of view of a mother that's not quite as young as she used to be :P
First and foremost... functional!
I've only recently been introduced to the Kings, but from what I've heard they're great.
Also, never heard of White Lies, and I'm English. But then again, I don't listen to the radio much...
If your Concert Club takes you to England... hit me up :)
Nothing quite like getting hit on by a hermaphrodite, is there?
You and Kings of Leon concert? Totally awesome.
Me? Totally jealous.
So, yeah.
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