Friday, March 15, 2019

Book Review: The Left Side of Perfect

Let's end the longest week of all time with a book review, shall we?

The Left Side of Perfect - Meghan Quinn

For better or for worse,'til death do us part . . .

The better captured me; she's who stole my heart. 
And made me realize I couldn’t live without this woman.
The worse of her took my breath away--kicked me when I was down and twisted me into a million knots.

When I first met her, I thought she was someone I would never see again. 
The second time I ran into her, it was a random coincidence.
The third? 
I didn’t know it at the time, but she was the girl I was going to marry.

But life isn’t always perfect. You have to take the better and the worse--even if it means giving her up, having her slip between your fingers, and letting her walk away. 

I’m getting married. 
This is forever, 'til death do us part.

I asked for this duet (book review for book #2 coming soon) for Christmas and I got it. I'm a fan of Meghan Quinn so I had to have these. I definitely wasn't disappointed.

This book features Colby, totally responsible and an overall good guy. It has Ryan, the fun time girl who really has a lot of self esteem and self worth issues. They are paired at the wedding of their friends and have a one night stand basically. He moves on and she moves on and all is well. Until Ryan finds her life in an upheaval and she finds herself living in Las Vegas (where Colby lives) but by the time she gets the guts to reconnect with him, he's dating Sage. I'll be honest... something about Sage seems really off but whatever, I'm not the one dating her. Colby and Ryan pick up their friendship and end up becoming best friends as Ryan rebuilds her life and Colby is helping keep her on track.

At some point Ryan realizes she has feelings for Colby but is it too late? I can't tell you the answer to that but I am telling you that you better have book two on standby because you'll want to read it RIGHT NOW.

Overall I really liked this book and it's on par with Meghan's other books. These are actually pretty short books (a little over 200 pages) so these would make for great vacation reads. I've been carrying book one and two around in my little purse for awhile with no issues. Colby is a really great, normal guy with no crazy issues. Ryan has issues but she has issues I'm sure almost all of us have, she's insecure, she lets people's opinions of her play in her head, and she's convinced she can't get a nice, normal guy. I really liked them and there was a part in the book where Colby was saying how you can't have two bright stars in a relationship, someone needs to be the grounding force. Each person offers something to the other person and it becomes a good balance, and that's what it feels like Colby and Ryan are but.... we'll find out in book two.


1 comment:

Midnight Cowgirl said...

I love a book that makes me immediately want to read the next one :)